Wednesday, 5 November 2014

Collaborative project with Stephanie Rattan: Creativity in Film.

I interviewed Stephanie Rattan who is critiquing film as her Blog project. I thought her knowledge of the film industry from the perspective of an audience would provide an insight into the creativity involved in the film industry.
What do you think creativity is in the film industry (script, acting, cinematography)?
Creativity in the film industry is essential. I believe creativity in the film industry is about the industry’s drive and ability to turn imaginative skill or original thinking into reality, by transforming traditional beliefs, concepts, designs etc, into consequential and purposeful new ideas and interpretations.  It’s all about the industry acting on its imaginative powers to perceive the world around them in new, ingenious and innovative ways. All of this can only be achieved if the industry is willing to take risks and keep steady through all the ups and downs with the only aim being to produce an amazing film. Therefore it all comes down to the film industry having the courage to create scripts that’s out of the ordinary and so vastly different from anything that viewers have ever seen before and, of course with the help of actors who are willing to go the extra mile to make this happen.
What is creative about a film?
 A film is creative when it breaks boundaries and produces the type of work that shows the world in a completely new light. I also see creativity when a film has hidden patterns to create connections between otherwise unrelated experiences which in turn produces an ending that is so surprising that it leaves you dumbfounded for days.

What is the most creative film you have ever seen? Why?
The most creative film at this year’s Trinidad and Tobago’s film festival that I saw would have to be OMAR. I say this because the storyline was raw and held back nothing from viewers. The ending of that film had me baffled for days that I just kept playing that film over and over in my mind trying to make sense of everything...and I loved that!
Whom would you consider as the most creative person in the film industry?
 From this year’s film festival the person that I think was the most creative would have to be Yao Ramesar, director of the film HAITI BRIDE. His use of symbolism throughout the film was beautifully and cleverly done. 

Can you identify a film which is a good blend of visual art and performing arts?
 A film which I honestly thought had a good blend of visual and performing arts would have to be BELLE. The film was of excellent quality!


  1. This is a great way to follow up what I suspect is your most popular post so far.
